Hey folks!
Well, it's been ages since I've last posted something on this blog, hopefully by the end of this summer, people will enjoy reading it. If not, well, it's a good way to practice my typing skills! :)

The past semester has been great, and there is no need to recall the nightmares of the MCAT, finals and cleaning out my room. But I think the past few weeks is worth recalling. First of all, my roommate put together an AWESOME birthday party--started out small...then it grew and grew. But hey, as one my dear friends says: "Suzi brings people together." Oh, and I got to talk to Bon while he was still in the states! Brad manned the grill wearing pretty much the BEST apron ever, and Amanda brought a delicious cake from The Bakery...with trick candles. Man, I have a feeling that I'm going to end up having trick candles on all of my birthday cakes from now on, people think it's way too much fun to watch me try to blow them out. But I did! Didn't use my fingers at all! Anywho, my friends are awesome...which means that my birthday was awesome.
Now, onto the summer! So, I'm sitting in the Salt Lake airport, ready to depart for China! I'll be spending my first three weeks there in Hainan, representing the University of Utah in working in a collaborative project with the Hainan Medical College. I know that we'll be doing surveys of the overall health of a lot of the villages in Lingshui, but other than that, not sure what's going on. Oh, I do know I'm staying on the 7th floor of the dorms...sweet deal. Rest of the time will be spent with my family in Chongqing, feel free to skype me! :)

So, on the night before my departure, or I should say scheduled departure, we all got together and went to the temple! It was awesome! I love the temple and I'm going to miss that when I'm gone for 3 months. No church for 3 months, holy cow! Don't worry though, I've got plenty to read from. Marci and I made a trip to the distribution center and picked up a bunch of stuff--oh, and Marci thought it would be great if I planned my own sacrament meeting talks, so, for every Sunday, I'll be writing 3 talks! HAHAHA. If they ever ask me to speak, I'll just tell them "let me check my archives!" Right, back to the temple trip. It was great! And then, we took pictures and the Temple Square workers were so funny! I love old people! And then after that, we went home to my apartment and made dinner! It was delicious! I am going to miss chicken caesar salad! And Cafe Rio!
Anywho, this is looooonnngggg. I'll keep this updated while I'm gone! Miss you all! Be good while I'm gone! :)
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